
Ideas de data

1.Supply chain management information.

  1. Sales data. Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/aungpyaeap/supermarket-sales

Example with data: https://towardsdatascience.com/business-analysis-in-r-part-1-advanced-filtering-and-conditional-calculations-c6b3ef7eb7a2

  1. Warehouse and inventory data.

  2. Website traffic statistics.

  3. Customer contact information.

  4. Interactions between team members, stakeholders, and customers.

  5. Notes of varying campaigns.

  6. Future business ideas and trends.

  7. Marketplace data.

  8. Social media campaign information.

  9. Product data and descriptions.

  10. Business and sales plans.

  11. Emails to prospective clients.

  12. Blog posts added to your website.

  13. Market research statistics.

  14. Information from customer surveys and interactive content.

  15. Email marketing details