National Parks in the US
Data wrangling project for Collect/Store/Retrieve Data class.
In this repository, I scrape open access data about National Parks in the United States, obtain general introductory information, and demonstrate data clean up and data wrangling techniques. Data includes trail information, some historica park specific information, and ample geographical data. For this project, I used R to scrape, put together, and perform minimal exploratory analysis. This project compbines web scraping, R, and SQL in R.
- Stoma_Project.Rmd - code and comments
- Stoma_Project.pdf - generated pdf of the same file with Rmd extension
- Local files - includes files that were scrapped from open resources using tools other than R packages.
- Project_Writeup - description of steps taken and the general purpose of the project. List the libraries I used and issues encountered in the scraping process.