With the rapid development of Whole Genome Sequencing and Whole Exome sequencing techniques, the bottleneck of research, according to Chen et al. (2019), has become the ability to accurately call complex mutations. Utilization of variant calling has allowed us to detect a number of single-nucleotide polymorphisms, insertions and deletions. Accurate description of these difference between the genomes allows us to characterize cells and tissue, depending on whether the samples are germline (belonging to the same species) or somatic (different tissues of the same individual). For this exercise, the pipeline repeats steps taken by the researchers in a comparison description of DeepVariant accuracy as a variant calling tool (Supernat et al. (2018)).
In order to perform variant calling on human genome sequencing, the human genome sequencing file needs to be downloaded from the internet which can be obtained with wget from the open internet source (sequencing database). The reads NGS read which will be assessed in this pipeline are also obtained from an open source under SRA accession number SRR6808334. Fastq-dump is used to covert the source files which are in the .sra format into either fastq or fasta; split-files is used to dump each read into a separate file and the names of the files will receive the corresponding suffix.
Once the genome sequencing is obtained, an index can be created using Burrows – Wheelers alignment tool (H. Li and Durbin (2009)). BWA has three algorithms for mapping – backtrack, SW, and MEM. Each can be chosen depending on the length of the reads one is trying to map ( backtrack for shorter sequences up to 100bp, SW and MEM for longer – 70bp- 1Mbp). The genome is indexed using bwtsw algorithm (SW) because of the length of the mapping done for human genome. The program is inititated by calling “bwa idex”. The setting -a bwtsw is used to call the algorythm. Input file needs to be specified, as well as the outputs for the index log and error.
Reads obtained from SRA need to be quality trimmed. To achieve this, we use Trimmomatic (Bolger, Lohse, and Usadel (2014)). Using this trimmer allows to minimize the presence and subsequent bias from low quality reads, which are a result of normal sequencing procedure (adapter and PCR fragments). Trimmomatic works well with paired reads because of its palindrome mode - it is efficient at removing technical sequence and achieves better quality reads filtering for paired reads without loosing this relationship between the paired reads. The program is initiated through calling the application with -n 19 java -jar, specifiying the input files for reference, and the paired and unpaired reads. Other specific conditions are set as follows: headcrop is set at 0, leadign and trailing options are used to remove bases from the beginnign and end of the sequences if below a certain threshold. This needs to be done depending on the read length to minimize the low quality reads that are often found at the end of the sequences. Sliding window size is used to clip the reads once the quality of the window falls below a certain threshold - the values used for this option in this case are SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30. MINLEN is :36 which indicates that the read will be dropped if it is below this length in bases.
Once the reads are trimmed and the genome is indexed, we can proceed to align reads using one of the BWA algorithms – MEM (H. Li and Durbin (2009)). Using maximal exact matches is an efficient and accurate way to achieve the target alignment. For the number of threads, we indicate 8; additionally, we utilize -M function which allows to mark short reads as secondary. We create a read group header line with -R option – this allows to add an ID and group sample (SM). The read group will be added to the output alignment .sam files.
Obtained aligned files need to be sorted into binary .sam = .bam format. That can be achieved using samtool (H. Li et al. (2009)) sort function. We set the number of sorting and comprehending threads to 8, as well as out a limit to the maximum possible memory usage for this sorting per thread – 4G. Next we identify the input .sam file and specify the name of the output .bam file. Upon creating a binary .sam file, we index the reads using another function of samtools (H. Li et al. (2009)). Similar specification of 8 threads and memory limitation to 4GB are set for the input file of .bam format. Indexing algorithn of samtools if called by “samtools index” command, threads are indicated through ‘@’ and -bn option which indicates that we want to create a BAI index as a format.
Lastly, we perform variant calling. In this case, DeepVariant is used (Supernat et al. (2018)). The program utilizes deep neural network to call genetic variants. The process can be simplified into three stages – preprocessing, calling variants, and post-processing. In order to run the program ,we need to specify the inpute file, directory, reference file, bam file, number of references to be made in the pre – processing step, which works through creating “examples” using an internal TensorFlow format. The number of the examples needs to be specified as the number of CPU cores one has. Next, specify the output directory, file name for VCF, and output for the logs. If docker is not found in PATH, it needs to be downloaded, which is what is done in the example script. Once the docker is ready to use, DeepVariant is run – input and ouput directories are previously specified and referenced here, model_type needs to be indicated as WGS in this case, reference refers to the whole genome file used as a reference earlier, reads are specified as bam file, previously output directory and file name are references, as well as the number of shards to be used.
Including the code for easier review and reference of specific outputs:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# DeepVariant is an analysis pipeline that uses a deep neural network
# to call genetic variants from next-generation DNA sequencing data
# if you want to run this on google cloud see the following:
# code here:
# Running DeepVariant consists of three stages:
# Making examples: DeepVariant pre-processes the input data and saves examples
# from the data using an internal TensorFlow format.
# You can run this stage in parallel where all of the input shards are processed independently.
# Calling variants: DeepVariant runs a deep neural network that makes inferences
# from the examples and saves them into shared files using an internal TensorFlow format.
# Post-processing variants: DeepVariant converts variants from the internal TensorFlow format to VCF
# or gVCF files. This stage runs on a single thread.
# some slight changes have been made, but pretty much what Google above says to do:
set -euo pipefail
# How many cores the `make_examples` step uses. Change it to the number of CPU cores you have
## Create directory structure
mkdir -p "${OUTPUT_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${INPUT_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${LOG_DIR}"
## Downloads
sudo apt-get -qq -y update
if ! hash docker 2>/dev/null; then
echo "'docker' was not found in PATH. Installing docker..."
# Install docker using instructions on:
sudo apt-get -qq -y install \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg-agent \
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository \
"deb [arch=amd64] \
$(lsb_release -cs) \
sudo apt-get -qq -y update
sudo apt-get -qq -y install docker-ce
# Copy the data
echo "Copying data"
cp SRR6808334.sorted.bam -d "${INPUT_DIR}"
cp SRR6808334.sorted.bam.bai -d "${INPUT_DIR}"
cp GRCh38_reference.fa -d "${INPUT_DIR}"
cp GRCh38_reference.fa.fai -d "${INPUT_DIR}"
#cp GRCh38_reference.fa.gz -d "${INPUT_DIR}"
#cp GRCh38_reference.fa.gz.gzi -d "${INPUT_DIR}"
#cp GRCh38_reference.fa.gz.fai -d "${INPUT_DIR}"
## Pull the docker image.
sudo docker pull"${BIN_VERSION}"
# --model_type=WGS \ **Replace this string with exactly one of the following [WGS,WES,PACBIO]**
echo "Running DeepVariant..."
sudo docker run \
-v "${INPUT_DIR}":"/input" \
-v "${OUTPUT_DIR}:/output" \"${BIN_VERSION}" \
/opt/deepvariant/bin/run_deepvariant \
--model_type=WGS \
--ref="/input/${REF}" \
--reads="/input/${BAM}" \
--output_vcf=/output/${OUTPUT_VCF} \
--output_gvcf=/output/${OUTPUT_GVCF} \
echo "Done."
Bolger, Anthony M., Marc Lohse, and Bjoern Usadel. 2014. “Trimmomatic: A Flexible Trimmer for Illumina Sequence Data.” Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 30 (15): 2114–20.
Chen, Jiayun, Xingsong Li, Hongbin Zhong, Yuhuan Meng, and Hongli Du. 2019. “Systematic Comparison of Germline Variant Calling Pipelines Cross Multiple Next-Generation Sequencers.” Scientific Reports 9 (1): 9345.
Li, Heng, and Richard Durbin. 2009. “Fast and Accurate Short Read Alignment with Burrows-Wheeler Transform.” Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 25 (14): 1754–60.
Li, Heng, Bob Handsaker, Alec Wysoker, Tim Fennell, Jue Ruan, Nils Homer, Gabor Marth, Goncalo Abecasis, Richard Durbin, and 1000 Genome Project Data Processing Subgroup. 2009. “The Sequence Alignment/Map Format and SAMtools.” Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 25 (16): 2078–9.
Supernat, Anna, Oskar Valdimar Vidarsson, Vidar M. Steen, and Tomasz Stokowy. 2018. “Comparison of Three Variant Callers for Human Whole Genome Sequencing.” Scientific Reports 8 (1): 17851.