
Some script to perform different operations using Pozyx devices with and Arduino Uno shield.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

NOTE: This repository is related with the next scientific work:

Barral, V.; Escudero, C.J.; García-Naya, J.A.; Maneiro-Catoira, R. NLOS Identification and Mitigation Using Low-Cost UWB Devices. Sensors 2019, 19, 3464.https://doi.org/10.3390/s19163464

If you use this code for your scientific activities, a citation is appreciated.


A collection of scripts to perform different operations with Pozyx devices.


This script uses a Pozyx device to ask another one (tag) to perform a ranging operation against other set of devices (anchors). The results are returned via USB port in an stream of bytes that can be decoded using the next template:

[0xFA] [OxFA] [ido_low] [ido_high] [ot] [idd_low] [idd_high] [dt] [distance_low] [distance] [distance] [distance_high] [timestamp_low] [timestamp] [timestamp] [timestamp_high] [seq] [rss_low] [rss] [rss] [rss_high] [channel] [bitrate] [prf] [0xBB] [0xBB]
Total: 26 bytes

The script also support reading the IMU of the remote tag. In this case, the stream has this shape:

[0xFD] [OxFD] [ido_low] [ido_high] [quaternion.x] [quaternion.y] [quaternion.z] [quaternion.wight] [linear_acceleration.x] [linear_acceleration.y] [linear_acceleration.z] [angular_vel.x] [angular_vel.y] [angular_vel.z] [0xBB] [0xBB]
Total: 46 bytes

In the repository https://github.com/valentinbarral/rosuwbranging.git can be found some ROS nodes that can perform this task and publish a new message of type gtec_msgs::PozyxRanging (this message type can be found in https://github.com/valentinbarral/rosmsgs).

The script can be configured with the next parameters (placed at the top of the script):

  • ownAnchorId: The identifier of the device plugged on the Arduino board and connected to the computer. Example: ownAnchorId = 0x6757
  • tagsIds: A list of the Pozyx devices to be used as tags. Example: tagsIds[] = {0x6E5B}
  • anchorIds: The list of devices to be used as anchors. Example: anchorIds[] = {0x6752, 0x6710, 0x6732, 0x6708, 0x6047}
  • resetOnFail: Resets the device after N failed rangings. True/False.
  • maxResets: Number of ranging errors accepted before reseting the reader. Integer>0.
  • readTagImu: Reads the IMU values. True/False.
  • readTagRanging: Performs the remote rangings. True/False.
  • logDebug: If true, show human-readable information trough the USB port. This must be deactivate to use the ROS nodes that can be found in https://github.com/valentinbarral/rosuwbranging.git. By default is set to false.


This script performs a ranging operation between two Pozyx devices, and outputs the range values plus the Channel Impulse Response (CIR) samples over serial port. The message contains the next bytes:

[0xFA] [OxFA] [ido_low] [ido_high] [ot] [idd_low] [idd_high] [dt] [distance_low] [distance] [distance] [distance_high] [timestamp_low] [timestamp] [timestamp] [timestamp_high] [seq] [rss_low] [rss] [rss] [rss_high] [channel] [bitrate] [prf] CIR_SIZE*([sample_real_low] [sample_real_high] [sample_imaginary_low] [sample_imaginary_high]) [0xBB] [0xBB]
Total: 26 + CIR_SIZE*4 bytes

Each CIR sample is a complex number of 4 bytes. The number of samples, CIR_SIZE, depends on the prf value. For prf=16 the CIR_SIZE is 996 whereas for prf=64 the CIR_SIZE is 1016.

In the repository https://github.com/valentinbarral/rosuwbranging.git can be found some ROS nodes that can read these packages and publish a new message of type gtec_msgs::PozyxRangingWithCir (this message type can be found in https://github.com/valentinbarral/rosmsgs).

The script can be configured with the next parameters (placed at the top of the script):

  • ownDevice: The identifier of the device plugged on the Arduino board and connected to the computer. Example: ownDevice = 0x6757
  • otherDevice: The remote device. Example: otherDevice = 0x6E5B
  • resetOnFail: Resets the device after N failed rangings. True/False.
  • maxResets: Number of ranging errors accepted before reseting the reader. Integer>0.
  • logDebug: If true, show human-readable information trough the USB port. This must be deactivate to use the ROS nodes that can be found in https://github.com/valentinbarral/rosuwbranging.git. By default is set to false.