
It is a simple method to restart your application.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ElectronJS Hot Reload

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It is a simple method to restart your application.


  • Separate watchers in main and renderer processes.
  • No magic, you necessary specify path files.
  • You can use hooks before reload.
  • Will catch error, if you want.


First, you should install this package:

# Yarn
yarn add electron-hot-reload

npm install --save electron-hot-reload

Next, you should create watchers:

import { mainReloader, rendererReloader } from 'electron-hot-reload';
import { app } from 'electron';
import path from 'path';

const mainFile = path.join(app.getAppPath(), 'dist', 'main.js');
const rendererFile = path.join(app.getAppPath(), 'dist', 'renderer.js');

mainReloader(mainFile, undefined, (error, path) => {
  console.log("It is a main's process hook!");

rendererReloader(rendererFile, undefined, (error, path) => {
  console.log("It is a renderer's process hook!");

Do you want to example application?


mainReloader( paths, ignored, handler, options ) => void

If this is method detects changes, it will restart the application.

Argument Type Requered Description
paths string or string[] true Paths to files and dirs to recursively watch.
ignored RegExp or RegExp[] false RegExp to file or dirs to ignore.
handler function false Callback function to create hooks.
options object false Additional options to chokidar.

rendererReloader( paths, ignored, handler, options ) => void

If this is method detects changes, it will restart the application's windows.

Argument Type Requered Description
paths string or string[] true Paths to files and dirs to recursively watch.
ignored RegExp or RegExp[] false RegExp to file or dirs to ignore.
handler function false Callback function to create hooks.
options object false Additional options to chokidar.


MIT License

MIT. Copyright (c) Valentin Popov.