
Example of what online video monetization might look like using lighting network testnet.

Primary LanguagePython


Litstream is meant to be an example of what online video monetization would look like with lightning network + streaming payments. The website is hosted at http://ec2-52-53-90-150.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com/ and clients are required to be running a server connected to their lnd node in order to watch videos.

NOTE: requires a payment path between your node and 03a2102f6978b9e5c6a2dd39697f95b36a7992a60ca65e0316dcd517108e8da171@ so you may need to create a channel on your end.

NOTE 2: lnd node must be running with macaroons disabled, soz!

How it works

My lnd node running on my server generates invoices every 2 seconds for your node, and then checks if they're paid and pauses the video if your node doesn't fulfill them. In order to generate invoices, the server node uses the IP address attached to your HTTP request, so if it's spoofed then the invoices generated might not work.


Before beginning, ensure that you are running Python 2.7 and that you have pip and virtualenv installed.

git clone https://github.com/valentinewallace/litstream_client.git 
cd litstream_client
virtualenv deskenv
source deskenv/bin/activate

Next, edit lines 7 and 9 of client.py to contain the correct LND_PORT for your node, and the correct PATH_TO_TLS_CERT for the path to your tls.cert file.

Install the dependencies required for Python gRPC:

pip install grpcio grpcio-tools googleapis-common-protos

Install the dependencies required for litstream:

pip install flask flask-cors

Clone the Google API repository, which is required due to the use of google/api/annotations.proto:

git clone https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis.git

Download the lnd rpc.proto file:

curl -o rpc.proto -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/master/lnrpc/rpc.proto

Compile the proto file:

python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=googleapis:. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. rpc.proto

Set the FLASK_APP environment variable and run the server:

export FLASK_APP=client.py
flask run --host=

Now you should be able to visit http://ec2-52-53-90-150.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com/ and watch vids for testnet $$ :)