
  • for dev envoirenment make sure you overwrite the TLD and env variable on running docker-compose
nodemon --harmony-async-await app.js
  • to start up all services use:
docker-compose up --remove-orphans -d
  • to push to herok remote
git remote | parallel git push {} master
  • to add mass configurations to heroku
git remote | parallel heroku config:set --app {} POSTGREST= API_URL= NODE_ENV=production

-to stop all the workers

seq 11 | parallel heroku ps:scale -a bookdepositoryapi-{} web=0

-to start all the workers

seq 11 | parallel heroku ps:scale -a bookdepositoryapi-{} web=1

-to restart all the workers

seq 11 | parallel heroku restart -a bookdepositoryapi-{}