
Applying Optical Flow Transform in SynWoodscape

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First, thanks for the efforts for the datasets.
I am trying to use the ground truth optical flow vector to warp the previous and current images. Is there in example code to achieve the same? I have tried the Python code linked here:
Using this code, the output interpolated image looks unsatisfactory, either it has lot of holes using img1 option, as explained in the documentation or using img2, the output image has duplicated overlays at the bottom of the image.
Therefore, it will be nice if there is an example code demonstrating the warped image; and also a documentation explaining the flow field clearly whether

  1. the flow moves each pixel of source(previous frame) image to a location in the destination(current frame). in this case, the output wont be a regular grid and rounding the indices will lead to holes
  2. it specifies for each output pixel(in destination image), where the source pixel comes from in the previous image
    I hope my query is clear and if not, i am happy to clarify.