Basic note taking app Flutter project, using Drift package for local data storage.
UI in this project contains:
- textfield -> to write new notes
- database button -> button to check database on the device/project
- listView -> where user can see the todo items that have been added
- circular floating action button -> used to save items written in the textfield
User will be able to:
- create new todo items
- read items from a list view
- update these items to a listView
- delete these items from the list view
This project is a demo. This project is meant to accompany the Flutter Chicago talk on April 24th 2023 on local data storage using the Drift package.
1 - flutter create project 2 - setup project basics 3 - run through of demo mvp and app design 4 - setup of boiler plate code for app 4.1. Screenshot of code needed to write on textfield and update table view without saving data 5 - Drift setup and use
1 - Choose state management system - riverpod 2 - Setup drift_db file 3 - Generate drift .g file 4 - Use local data storage 5 - Check database in your project
drift sqlite3_flutter_libs path_provider path flutter_slidable drift_db_viewer flutter_riverpod
drift_dev build_runner flutter_test Test -> to do unit and widget tests
Flutter Unit testing
Testing Drift databases integration tests for real devices unit tests for running and debugging from dev (on computer)
sqlite3 must be installed in system, to create and run unit tests -> macOS installed by default ✅ -> Ubuntu / Windows - check above documentation for instructions to install sqlite3
Testing Riverpod