
Reserved repository to list all my courses and certifications.

My academic life ✅

Reserved repository to list a little of my I.T. education.😍

Index 📌

Educational program 🎓

  • Accredited course of the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth. Java web application programmer (Czech Republic) site. 1.9.2021-19.12.2021 (4 months). 📎 here & here

Languages 📍

  • Czech: Native speaker, I am Czech.🇨🇿
  • English: Professional working proficiency.🇬🇧

Courses ✏️

Below is a list of the courses I completed. There are currently 11 courses with a total of 232 hours. itnetwork


  • Basic construction of Java language Retraining: itnetwork. Full-time learning: 8h. Distance learning: 20h. 📎 here

OOP in Java

  • Object-oriented programming in Java Retraining: itnetwork. Full-time learning: 8h. Distance learning: 30h. 📎 here

Collection and streams in Java

  • Collection and streams in java Retraining: itnetwork. Distance learning: 15h.

My SQL in Java

  • MySQL and MariaDB databases Retraining: itnetwork. Full-time learning: 8h. Distance learning: 15h.

Java frameworks

  • Spring Boot Retraining: itnetwork. Distance learning: 35h.


  • Basic construction of JavaScript language Retraining: itnetwork. Full-time learning: 4h. Distance learning: 22h.

OOP in JavaScript

  • Object-oriented programming in JavaScript language Retraining: itnetwork. Full-time learning: 4h.


  • JQuery JavaScript library Retraining: itnetwork. Distance learning: 15h.


  • Modern webdesign Retraining: itnetwork. Full-time learning: 8h. Distance learning: 12h.

Responsive webdesign

  • Modern adn responsive webdesign Retraining: itnetwork. Distance learning: 10h.


  • Complete course of the CSS framework Bootstrap Retraining: itnetwork. Distance learning: 18h.

Learning on my own after course

iTerm2, brew & ZSH

Git and GitHub

Git & GitHub

Working with Postgresql databases and Git in Terminal (iTerm2)
