

Primary LanguageJava


Project Overview

  • Creating diagram to understand the whole picture of the project in my mind: http://draw.io.

  • Choosing to create this project with Spring initializr to make it fast and simple as possible: https://start.spring.io.



  • Spring Web (Build web, including ERSTful, applications using Spring MVC, Uses Apache Tomcat as the default embedded container).


  • Spring Data JPA (Persist data in SQL with Java Persistence API using Spring Data and Hybernate).
  • PostgreSQL Driver A JDBC and R2DBC driver that allows Java programs to connect to a PostgreSQL database using standard, database independent Java code.

Setting project

Creating simple API

  • Connecting to database a setting the app properties

Section overview

  • Creating another diagram


Creating student class

  • Creating student class with properties


  • Tell that class that we created, to be a table and also to attributes to be a column in our table


  • Create a sequence with our specified id


  • Adding add column annotation. Specifying our columns names

@IntelliJ Data Source

  • Solivng errors (assigning datasource, creating empty constructor)

@Table and Constraints

  • Rename the unique student email key


@JPA Repositoriy

  • Put new student to our database using JPA