Authorization workshop

Getting started

We will work with your Heroku app, if you haven't created a Heroku app already then you can deploy using:

Deploy to Heroku

Create New App - Heroku

Add admin secret

  1. From the Heroku app dashboard (<my-app-name>), navigate to the Settings tab -> Reveal config vars.

  2. Add a new config var: HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET: adminsecret

For local Docker setup

In case you prefer to work locally with docker containers instead:

Use docker-compose up -d

View your new Hasura GraphQL Engine Console at http://localhost:8080 (admin secret from docker-compose.yaml: adminsecret)

Note: To end a session, use docker-compose down -v

Loading initial data

Via console

  • Head to the Data tab and go to the Run SQL window
  • Run northwind_ddl.sql
  • Run northwind_data.sql

For a Heroku deployment

From the Heroku app dashboard (<my-app-name>), navigate to the Settings tab -> Reveal config vars -> DATABASE_URL. Use the following command:

psql <DATABASE_URL> < northwind_ddl.sql
psql <DATABASE_URL> < northwind_data.sql

or, lacking psql, use the following with the heroku CLI: (might need to run heroku login first):

heroku pg:psql -a <my-app-name> < northwind_ddl.sql
heroku pg:psql -a <my-app-name> < northwind_data.sql

For local Docker setup

Use the following command to set up initial tables and data into your postgres container:

psql postgres://postgres:mypassword@localhost:6432/postgres < northwind_ddl.sql 
psql postgres://postgres:mypassword@localhost:6432/postgres < northwind_data.sql 

If you do not have psql available, you can copy the northwind_ddl.sql and northwind_data.sql file to the postgres container and execute the psql command via inside it:

Note: You can find <postgres-container-ID> with docker ps

docker cp northwind_ddl.sql <postgres-container-ID>:/
docker cp northwind_data.sql <postgres-container-ID>:/
docker exec -ti <postgres-container-ID> /bin/bash
psql -U postgres < northwind_ddl.sql
psql -U postgres < northwind_data.sql

Track tables and foreign-key relations

Track tables in console

Return to the Hasura GraphQL Engine console and select the Data tab. In the central view, there should be a section "Untracked tables or views" with several tables listed and a "Track All" option available. Select "Track All", and then "Track All" again for untracked foreign-key relations.

Now you're all set! You should see your tables listed in the left-hand panel.

Go to the Graphiql tab and start trying out queries, mutations, and subscriptions.


The Northwind dataset includes sample data for the following.

  • Suppliers: Suppliers and vendors of Northwind
  • Customers: Customers who buy products from Northwind
  • Employees: Employee details of Northwind traders
  • Products: Product information
  • Shippers: The details of the shippers who ship the products from the traders to the end-customers
  • Orders and Order_Details: Sales Order transactions taking place between the customers & the company

External App

Table: Customer, Order, Shipper Role: customer


  1. Customer can only select their own row in customer table
  2. Customer can get their orders.
  3. Customers can't view the employee_id of the order.
  4. Customer can view the phone number of their shippers.

Internal App

Table: employees Role: employee, hr


  1. Employee can see and edit their own information.
  2. Employee can see the information of their reportees.
  3. HRs can see and edit information of all employees

Public facing app

Table: products role: api


  1. Only consumers with valid api key can see the products table


A role is a collection of permissions. Permissions determine what operations are allowed on a resource. When you grant a role to a user, all permissions in the role are automatically granted to the user.

Hasura has role-based schemas.


Attributes are values that are associated with a user or resource.

Hasura can use user attributes and data attributes


  • Action
  • Resource
  • Condition


  • Every resource type has a role: Access to Google cloud storage buckets is controlled using storage_admin, storage_editor, storage_viewer roles
  • Every resource instance also has a role: Each bucket has a storage_admin, storage_editor, storage_viewer role associated with it

Use this key

HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET: {"type": "HS256", "key": "myjwtsecretkey111111111111111111111111111111111"}