
WebRTC plugin support on Safari/IE

Opened this issue · 4 comments

As WebRTC is not natively supported on Safari/IE, video/audio calls do not work on them. Looks like there are plugins available to support webRTC on safari. Installed two plugins ( and

When tried video calls, i see that camera stream is fails due to type mismatch error in "_peer_stream_attach" method in giggle.base.js

Any leads on this ? Were there any attempts made or being made to fix the library on Safari on top of these plugins? (Jappix does not support video calls in safari but it is nice to have..)


Thanks for this report. Will look into it ASAP!


Also, as suggested by the webrtc-everywhere README, included adapter.js and changed the WEBRTC_GET_MEDIA in giggle.constants.js to navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia; (Change in the order of the methods so that plugin's getUserMedia() takes the precedence. But the error persists.


Well, it's always better to use the native getUserMedia instead of the plugin's polyfill ones if they're available. Not sure the precedence thing would do any good.

Hi Valérian, just curious, any insights on this ? Thanks.