
Learn all about OOP, understand the most confusing parts of JavaScript and prepare for technical interviews

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started

What's O.O.P.?

A programming paradigm centered around objects rather than functions

Angular is an example of a framework designed keeping in mind OOP.

The 4 Pillars of O.O.P.

  1. Encapsulation

    In OOP we group related variable and fn into obj; and this is what we call Encapsulation

    // We refer to this kind of implementation as "procedural"
    const salary = 30;
    const overtime = 10;
    const rate = 20;
    function getWage(salary, overtime, rate) {
        return salary + (overtime * rate);
    // OOP implementation
    const employee = {
        salary: 30,
        overtime: 10,
        rate: 20,
        getWage: function () {
            return this.salary + (this.overtime * this.rate);

    Why is this better?

    As we can see we don't have any arg inside

     getWage: function () {
            return this.salary + (this.overtime * this.rate);

    The best fn are those with no paramaters - Uncle Bob.

  2. Abstraction

    Let's think of a dvd player: outside we have only few btn to interact with it while all the complexity is hidden inside the box. This is Abstraction in practice.

    We can use the same idea in obj: we can hide some properties and methods to the outside and this gives us some benefits:

    1. Simpler Interface
    2. Reduce the impact of change
  3. Inheritance

    Allow us to remove redundant code.

  4. Polymorphism

    Allow us to get rid of long if/else statement.

    If you want to render our HTMLElements in a procedural this is how it might looks:

    switch (...) {
        case 'select': renderSelect();
        case 'input': renderinput();
        case 'checkbox': rendercheckbox();

    but with OOP we can avoid the ugly code above and use one line code like this element.render()