
SABIO webapp code for sharing between server and local machine

Primary LanguagePython


SABIO webapp code for sharing between server and local machine


NMvW Data:

Server Setup

  • Nginx+Gunicorn+Flask, uses reverse-proxy, i.e. Gunicorn listens on localhost, Nginx forwards to localhost

  • Nginx tutorial that could help figure out how to set an internal redirect from / to /api/v0

  • CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing)

  • Certbot


  • precompute results for presets of parameters
  • hard cap:
    • for long texts at 1000 characters
    • for long titles at 100 characters


  • new engine: 'lack of information' engine -> e.g. computes the ratio of fields missing
  • typicality engine: compute objects' typicality as a proxy for how 'common' a certain description

Things to Potentially Check