
Course: OOP (course 4): Static methods, Namespaces, Exceptions & Traits! Woh! Tutorial

Primary LanguagePHP

Object Oriented Ship Battling, Ahem Programming

This repository holds the screencast code, script and blueprints for a secret rebel base for the Object Oriented Series from KnpUniversity.


1) Database Setup

This project uses a small MySQL database. First, configure your database settings:

A) open init_db.php and modify the $databaseUser and $databasePassword variables. Make sure the user has permissions to create a database!

B) To create and pre-populate your database, open your favorite terminal application and run:

cd /path/to/the/project
php init_db.php

That's it! Your database is ready to go!

2) Web Server Setup

To get this code working, open your favorite terminal application and start the built-in web server:

cd /path/to/the/project
php -S localhost:8000

This command will appear to "hang" - but that's perfect! You're now running a temporary PHP web server (press ctrl+c to stop it when you're done later).

Pull up the new site by going to:
