#Crafty Clicks Magento 2 Integration
##Download via composer
Request composer to fetch the module:
composer require craftyclicks/module-clicktoaddress
###Manual Download
- Create folder structure /app/code/Craftyclicks/Clicktoaddress/
- Download & copy the git contents to the folder
Please note that executing these lines can cause a downtime on your Magento shop until they finish.
php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
php -f bin/magento setup:di:compile
- First line allows Magento to recognize the module
- Second line is required so that Magento would load configuration defaults. (I'm looking for an alternative, more direct command but couldn't find one so far)
##Configuration Instructions The configuration for the extension is located under Stores -> Configuration -> Crafty Clicks -> Global Address Auto-Complete. There are 3 sub-sections, with configurations included.
First add the git directly as a repo to composer:
composer config repositories.craftyclicks git https://github.com/craftyclicks/magento2.git
Then request a specific branch (:dev-branch)
composer require craftyclicks/module-clicktoaddress:dev-dev
- Main branch is using the Global Address endpoint. (Address Auto-Complete)
- There's a separate branch for an older version, doing only UK postcode lookup. (different endpoint)