
Async version of LAC 5.2 Conf-Offer / Conf-Mgmt


Async version of LAC 5.2 Conf-Offer / Conf-Mgmt

This is an upgraded version of the LAC 5.2 Conf-Offer / Conf-Mgmt samples:

  • simpler - Conf Mgmt has 1 resource (not 3), and 25% less code
  • async - Conf Mgmt uses an async approach for processing messages

To install:

  1. Stop LAC
  2. In the /CALiveAPICreator folder:
    1. Rename ConfManagement folder (e.g., add a Z)
    2. Copy the ConfManagement from the zip
  3. Restart LAC
  4. Rename the existing Conference Offers / Conference Management APIs
    • use the API Properties > Details URL Fragment screen
    • again, just add a Z
  5. Import the 2 json projects
    • as for the initial LAC install, you must activate and restart the Connections

The Learning Center doc, of course, will be out of date. The zip contains an updated image.