
Browser extension to augment web with semantic information from Watson API

Primary LanguageCSS

General info

Google Chrome browser extension to augment Facebook feed with semantic information about each post. Proof-of-a-concept of an idea to create Text AR platform which can collect and centralise access to such tools.

This idea was developed during the workshop "NII Message" which was a part of "Future of the word" coference in June 2016. Authors of the original idea are: Samer Fatayri, Andrew Pantyukhin, Ivan Sorokin, Oleg Yusupov, Mikhail and Valia Fetisov.



Quick start

To use this browser extension in development mode you have to:

  1. Install chrome browser if don’t have it yet
  2. Generate an api key for the IBM Watson Alchemy API (by the time it’s 1,000 free events per day)
  3. Copy settings-example.json file into settings.json and put generated key there
  4. Add folder with a code as an extension at chrome://extentions
  5. Open up facebook feed and enjoy


   red  –  anger
yellow  –  disgust
 green  –  fear
violet  –  joy
  blue  –  sadness