A framework to enable multimodal models to operate a computer.
Using the same inputs and outputs as a human operator, the model views the screen and decides on a series of mouse and keyboard actions to reach an objective.
- Compatibility: Designed for various multimodal models.
- Integration: Currently integrated with GPT-4v, Gemini Pro Vision, and LLaVa.
- Future Plans: Support for additional models.
At HyperwriteAI, we are developing Agent-1-Vision a multimodal model with more accurate click location predictions.
We will soon be offering API access to our Agent-1-Vision model.
If you're interested in gaining access to this API, sign up here.
- Install the project
pip install self-operating-computer
- Run the project
Use "winpty": If you're running this in Git Bash or MinGW, you can precede your command with winpty to workaround this issue. For example:
winpty python your_script.py
try to run:
winpty operate
you might also need ``` pip install --upgrade setuptools
1. **Enter your OpenAI Key**: If you don't have one, you can obtain an OpenAI key [here](https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys)
<div align="center">
<img src="https://github.com/OthersideAI/self-operating-computer/blob/main/readme/key.png" width="300" style="margin: 10px;"/>
4. **Give Terminal app the required permissions**: As a last step, the Terminal app will ask for permission for "Screen Recording" and "Accessibility" in the "Security & Privacy" page of Mac's "System Preferences".
<div align="center">
<img src="https://github.com/OthersideAI/self-operating-computer/blob/main/readme/terminal-access-1.png" width="300" style="margin: 10px;"/>
<img src="https://github.com/OthersideAI/self-operating-computer/blob/main/readme/terminal-access-2.png" width="300" style="margin: 10px;"/>
### Alternatively installation with `.sh`
1. **Clone the repo** to a directory on your computer:
git clone https://github.com/OthersideAI/self-operating-computer.git
2. **Cd into directory**:
cd self-operating-computer
3. **Run the installation script**:
## Using `operate` Modes
### Multimodal Models `-m`
An additional model is now compatible with the Self Operating Computer Framework. Try Google's `gemini-pro-vision` by following the instructions below.
Start `operate` with the Gemini model
operate -m gemini-pro-vision
**Enter your Google AI Studio API key when terminal prompts you for it** If you don't have one, you can obtain a key [here](https://makersuite.google.com/app/apikey) after setting up your Google AI Studio account. You may also need [authorize credentials for a desktop application](https://ai.google.dev/palm_docs/oauth_quickstart). It took me a bit of time to get it working, if anyone knows a simpler way, please make a PR.
### Locally Hosted LLaVA Through Ollama
If you wish to experiment with the Self-Operating Computer Framework using LLaVA on your own machine, you can with Ollama!
*Note: Ollama currently only supports MacOS and Linux*
First, install Ollama on your machine from https://ollama.ai/download.
Once Ollama is installed, pull the LLaVA model:
ollama pull llava
This will download the model on your machine which takes approximately 5 GB of storage.
When Ollama has finished pulling LLaVA, start the server:
ollama serve
That's it! Now start `operate` and select the LLaVA model:
operate -m llava
**Important:** Error rates when using LLaVA are very high. This is simply intended to be a base to build off of as local multimodal models improve over time.
Learn more about Ollama at its [GitHub Repository](https://www.github.com/ollama/ollama)
### Voice Mode `--voice`
The framework supports voice inputs for the objective. Try voice by following the instructions below.
**Clone the repo** to a directory on your computer:
git clone https://github.com/OthersideAI/self-operating-computer.git
**Cd into directory**:
cd self-operating-computer
Install the additional `requirements-audio.txt`
pip install -r requirements-audio.txt
**Install device requirements**
For mac users:
brew install portaudio
For Linux users:
sudo apt install portaudio19-dev python3-pyaudio
Run with voice mode
operate --voice
### Optical Character Recognition Mode `-m gpt-4-with-ocr`
The Self-Operating Computer Framework now integrates Optical Character Recognition (OCR) capabilities with the `gpt-4-with-ocr` mode. This mode gives GPT-4 a hash map of clickable elements by coordinates. GPT-4 can decide to `click` elements by text and then the code references the hash map to get the coordinates for that element GPT-4 wanted to click.
Based on recent tests, OCR performs better than `som` and vanilla GPT-4 so we made it the default for the project. To use the OCR mode you can simply write:
`operate` or `operate -m gpt-4-with-ocr` will also work.
### Set-of-Mark Prompting `-m gpt-4-with-som`
The Self-Operating Computer Framework now supports Set-of-Mark (SoM) Prompting with the `gpt-4-with-som` command. This new visual prompting method enhances the visual grounding capabilities of large multimodal models.
Learn more about SoM Prompting in the detailed arXiv paper: [here](https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.11441).
For this initial version, a simple YOLOv8 model is trained for button detection, and the `best.pt` file is included under `model/weights/`. Users are encouraged to swap in their `best.pt` file to evaluate performance improvements. If your model outperforms the existing one, please contribute by creating a pull request (PR).
Start `operate` with the SoM model
operate -m gpt-4-with-som
## Contributions are Welcomed!:
If you want to contribute yourself, see [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/OthersideAI/self-operating-computer/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md).
## Feedback
For any input on improving this project, feel free to reach out to [Josh](https://twitter.com/josh_bickett) on Twitter.
## Join Our Discord Community
For real-time discussions and community support, join our Discord server.
- If you're already a member, join the discussion in [#self-operating-computer](https://discord.com/channels/877638638001877052/1181241785834541157).
- If you're new, first [join our Discord Server](https://discord.gg/YqaKtyBEzM) and then navigate to the [#self-operating-computer](https://discord.com/channels/877638638001877052/1181241785834541157).
## Follow HyperWriteAI for More Updates
Stay updated with the latest developments:
- Follow HyperWriteAI on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/HyperWriteAI).
- Follow HyperWriteAI on [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/othersideai/).
## Compatibility
- This project is compatible with Mac OS, Windows, and Linux (with X server installed).
## OpenAI Rate Limiting Note
The ```gpt-4-vision-preview``` model is required. To unlock access to this model, your account needs to spend at least \$5 in API credits. Pre-paying for these credits will unlock access if you haven't already spent the minimum \$5.
Learn more **[here](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/rate-limits?context=tier-one)**