Validate e-mail addreses against RFC 2822 and RFC 3696 with this Ruby on Rails plugin and gem.
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Always defaulting to error message present in the config/locales present inside the gem. It is not considering the active model error messages mentioned in the config/locales inside the app
#65 opened by SakthiGurunathan07 - 1
Add experimental support for RFC 6530, etc...
#38 opened by alexdunae - 5
Consistent return values
#43 opened by alexdunae - 0
Need to add support for cyrillic domains
#58 opened by dzmitrys-dev - 2
non-ascii characters in domain cause the validation to raise exception with check_mx: true
#35 opened by costa - 1
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Emails with multiple @ symbols pass validation
#86 opened by narwold - 1
Validation failures
#29 opened by johnrees - 2
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Deprecation warning for I18n
#52 opened by sijbrandij - 8
"" is considered valid
#64 opened by maxkwallace - 1
A few incorrect results
#69 opened by richdrich - 3
Shorten timeout for DNS lookups
#66 opened by aripollak - 1
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email field empty
#60 opened by sarovin - 0
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emails ending in \n are considered valid
#72 opened by ConfusedVorlon - 1
uninitialized constant Rails::Railtie (NameError)
#53 opened by ghazel - 1
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strict option is not work?
#54 opened by unageanu - 3
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Gem maintainer wanted...
#41 opened by alexdunae - 2
Accepts user/
#36 opened by yavora - 2
check_mx doesn't downcase domain part
#40 opened by aripollak - 3
Failing to load EmailFormatValidator
#39 opened by mingan - 5
use in rails without installing a validator?
#44 opened by nruth - 1
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Validation setup without parameters fails
#28 opened by kretz - 6
errors.messages returns {:email=>[]}
#34 opened by nesrual - 1
How to test with RSpec
#24 opened by brodock - 1
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International email, '!' and '`' problem
#23 opened by LTe - 1
"" is considered valid
#22 opened by vderyagin - 0
"foo\\"" is considered valid
#19 opened by ghazel - 0
"\r\" is considered valid
#20 opened by ghazel - 2
invalid email address is validated
#16 opened by ghazel - 2
Email address not supported
#15 opened by ngan - 1
NOTE: Gem::Specification#has_rdoc= is deprecated with no replacement. It will be removed on or after 2011-10-01.
#14 opened by RobWu - 2
Default message isn't railsy...
#12 opened by ngan - 2
infinite hang in regexp match
#9 opened by ghazel - 2
Doesn't validate anything with rails 3.0.3
#8 opened by aulizko - 3
infinite hang in regexp match
#7 opened by ghazel - 4
"\" is valid?
#6 opened by ghazel - 2
Does not work with rails 3
#5 opened by neerajsingh0101 - 3
invalid multibyte escape
#2 opened by masterkain - 1
"local@sub.)" is valid ??
#3 opened by ameyerfr - 1
"" should be valid
#4 opened by znz