Laravel 5 Admin Module

Latest Stable Version License

Note: this is development version. If you are looking for stable version check out master branch.

SleepingOwl Admin is administrative interface builder for Laravel.

It includes:


  1. Require this package in your composer.json and run composer update:

    "sleeping-owl/admin": "dev-development"
  2. After composer update, add service providers to the config/app.php

  3. Add this to the facades in config/app.php:

    'Admin'         => 'SleepingOwl\Admin\Admin',
    'AdminAuth'     => 'SleepingOwl\AdminAuth\Facades\AdminAuth',
    'Column'        => 'SleepingOwl\Admin\Columns\Column',
    'ColumnFilter'  => 'SleepingOwl\Admin\ColumnFilters\ColumnFilter',
    'Filter'        => 'SleepingOwl\Admin\Filter\Filter',
    'AdminDisplay'  => 'SleepingOwl\Admin\Display\AdminDisplay',
    'AdminForm'     => 'SleepingOwl\Admin\Form\AdminForm',
    'AdminTemplate' => 'SleepingOwl\Admin\Templates\Facade\AdminTemplate',
    'FormItem'      => 'SleepingOwl\Admin\FormItems\FormItem',
  4. Run this command in terminal (if you want to know what exactly this command makes, see install command documentation):

    $ php artisan admin:install


Documentation can be found at sleeping owl documentation.

Demo Application

View live demo.

Support Library

You can donate via PayPal, Yandex money (410012943296949) or in BTC: 13k36pym383rEmsBSLyWfT3TxCQMN2Lekd

Copyright and License

Admin was written by Sleeping Owl for the Laravel framework and is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.