Developing code on semantic segmentation for Extended Labeled Faces in the Wild

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Extended Labeled Faces In-The-Wild (ELFW)

Development code on face semantic segmentation for Extended Labeled Faces In-The-Wild (ELFW). Dataset and further details at the Project Site.


Examples from the ELFW dataset. Original LFW categories background, skin, and hair, new categories beard-mustache, sunglasses, head-wearable, and exclusively synthetic mouth-mask. (left) Re-labeled faces with manual refinement compared to the original LFW labels in blue background, (right-top) faces previously unlabeled in LFW, and (right-bottom) synthetic object augmentation with sunglasses, mouth-masks, and occluding hands.

What is this file for

  • run_trainer.py: main file to be run for training (see below).
  • trainer.py: the trainer, i.e. SGD, scheduler, epochs, loss, and all deep learning artillery.
  • models.py: the NN architectures, namely FCN, DeeplabV3, and GCN.
  • elfw.py: the dataloader and label conversion utilities for the ELFW dataset.
  • transform.py: image transformations (scaling, flips, relabeling,...) for data augmentation.
  • metrics.py: useful compendium of metrics including pixel accuracy, mean accuracy, mean IoU, frequency weighted, and Mean F1-Score.
  • utils.py: some utilities for console output, time metering, or early-stopper.
  • visualize.py: handy visdom class for performance visualization on web navigator.
  • tester.py: use this file for segmenting an image of your own once having a trained model.

How to train

Training settings are described in run_trainer.py. Some arguments are called via console, while other hyperparameters are fixed. See list_experiments.sh for an exhaustive list of experiments carried out during the project.

max_epochs     = 301      		# Maximum number of epochs 
lr             = 1E-3     		# Learning rate
lr_decay       = 0.2      		# Learning rate decay factor
w_decay        = 5E-4     		# Weight decay, typically [5e-4]
momentum       = 0.99     		# Momentum, typically [0.9-0.99]
lr_milestones  = [35,90,180] 	# lr milestones for a multistep lr scheduler
augment        = True     		# random transformations for data augmentation
gcn_levels     = 3        		# Number of GCN levels, typically 3 for 256x256 and 4 for 512x512 image sizes

Trained models not at disposal for the moment.

Main Frameworks

  • Python 3.5, PyTorch 1.1.0, TorchVision 0.3.0, Visdom 0.1.8, PIL 6.2.1.
  • Data augmentation: OpenCV 3.1.0 and Dlib.

Included Networks for Semantic Segmentation

  • FCN: Long, J., Shelhamer, E., Darrell, T.: Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation. In: Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. pp. 3431–3440 (2015).

  • DeeplabV3: Chen, L.C., Papandreou, G., Kokkinos, I., Murphy, K., Yuille, A.L.: Deeplab: Se- mantic image segmentation with deep convolutional nets, atrous convolution, and fully connected crfs. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelli- gence 40(4), 834–848 (2018).

  • GCN: Peng, C., Zhang, X., Yu, G., Luo, G., & Sun, J. (2017). Large kernel matters--improve semantic segmentation by global convolutional network. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 4353-4361). [ Not considered for the paper ]

Jupyter demos

The folder ./demos contains code snippets to test the GCN model over the webcam. Have a look to Jupyter Notebooks or Colab.

Handy scripting toolbox

The folder ./scripts contains some useful code tools for labeling and processing the dataset. The main files are:

  • computeClassWeights.py: computes weight for class balancing over the training loss.
  • lfw-makeThemWearMasks.py: overlays synthetic masks (must provide) on face images.
  • lfw-makeThemWearSunglasses.py: same for sunglasses.
  • lfw-putYourHandsOnMeWithDlib.py: same for hands based on Dlib.
  • lfw-scribbleMe.py: tool for label annotation by filling superpixels on mouse scribbling.
  • lfw-refineMe.py: tool for refining the annotated segments.

Rafael Redondo and Jaume Gibert (c) 2019-20 Eurecat