
sends push notifications to Android devices via google GCM

MIT LicenseMIT


gcm sends push notifications to Android devices via google gcm.


$ gem install gcm


An Android device running 2.2 or newer, its registration token, and a google account registered for GCM.


There are two ways to use GCM.

Sending many notifications:

notifications = [
    :registration_id => "...", 
    :data => {
      :message => "Some message",
      :score => 10
    :collapse_key => "foobar" #optional

GCM.auth_key = 'my-authentication-key-from-gcm'

or with authentication key...

GCM.send_notifications(notifications, 'my-authentication-key-from-gcm')

...or one at a time:

gcm = GCM.new('my-authentication-key-from-gcm')

notification = {
  :registration_id => "...", 
  :data => {
    :some_message => "Some message",
    :another_message => 10
  :collapse_key => "foobar" #optional


If you want to send multicast notification, use instead the plural of the registration_id and an array.

registration_ids  => ['reg_idq', 'reg_id2',....]

You can get the statistics of what you sent by inspecting the: :successes, :failurese, :canonicals at the class level if many notifications are sent, ex:

GCM.successes  or GCM.failures

or at instance level if you are sending only one or multicast, ex:

gcm = GCM.new('my-authentication-key-from gcm')
puts gcm.successes, gcm.failures, gcm.canonicals

Good luck!


  • Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Valentin Nagacevschi. See LICENSE.txt for details.
