WinCenterTitle is a simple tool that allows you to center align the text in Windows 10 titlebars, the same way it was in Windows 8, 8.1, or even 3.1.
- 0xbaaaadf8
- ajwatkins74Wales
- akaydev-coderDev.root
- CalicoApricotSomewhere on the information superhighways...
- Calslock
- capeiBuffalo, NY
- Dayanto
- Demez
- downspire
- DracoMan671
- Ingan121South Korea
- joshumaxSinuous Technologies
- krlvm
- Leo512bit
- lewisjeJansal Media
- LoveJessyChen
- luclu7Nantes, France
- MagicAndre1981
- MishaTyMishaProductions
- mzso
- qwerty12
- redpizza
- RibShark
- Rocksolid156RPC
- Rosmaninho
- second2050Somewhere in Germany
- shinywong
- shishkabob27United States, Illinois
- skid9000@anjaraeu
- slzKudNingBo or Baoting
- Suleman-ElahiWinterhold
- ticktackkC:\
- ygjsz
- yude@iij
- Yukarumya
- Yvonne5531773China