# Valkey hashes file.
# This file contains SHA256 digests of official tarballs released by
# the Valkey project.
# You can use the file in order to verify that the download file is the original
# one created by the Valkey team, and not a modified or corrupted file.
# This file is located at Github in the following repository:
# https://github.com/valkey-io/valkey-hashes
# The file format is the following:
# hash <filename> <algo> <digest> <url>
# Filename is the tarball name. Algo is the algorithm used, it "sha256" for the all releases.

# Digest is the output of the hash function, and URL the download URL for the
# specified file.

hash valkey-unstable.tar.gz sha256 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 https://github.com/valkey-io/valkey/archive/unstable.tar.gz
hash valkey-7.2.4-rc1.tar.gz sha256 cd0a74184f2e6addac458f7b4f7549521e490a4ef51db0eb1dccd1a520de4cb6 https://github.com/valkey-io/valkey/archive/refs/tags/7.2.4-rc1.tar.gz
hash valkey-7.2.5.tar.gz sha256 c7c7a758edabe7693b3692db58fe5328130036b06224df64ab1f0c12fe265a76 https://github.com/valkey-io/valkey/archive/refs/tags/7.2.5.tar.gz