
Forge, the Satellite orchestration tool

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Forge, the Satellite orchestration tool

Forge is a tool based on nailgun. It builds a satellite server from a plain RHEL7 image up to repositories, content-views, activationkeys based on a single config-file, with idempotency.

It was tested and developped on RHEL7.8 with Satellite 6.7.

It was written to generate content-views with various Zstream for the OpenStack products but can be adapted for any needs.


  • Copy env.example file and edit according to your needs.
  • Either spin a VM by using the cloud-init script openstack-tools/satellite-user-data.txt or just execute each commands manually.
  • Validate the content of ./openstack-tools/server_create.sh and adapt as well.
  • Execute the server create
$ source openstack-tools/cee-shared-space-openrc.sh
$ ./openstack-tools/server_create.sh
  • This will spin an instance. It might take a good amount of time to fully provision it. After the final configuration, the instance will reboot, fully updated.
  • SSH into the instance and run the unattended installation
root@satellite ~/forge/ # ./forger.py install
  • This will also take a while to install. Once it's completed, you can run the rest from your laptop.
  • Validate the content of ./sat.cfg and adapt.
  • Initialize the satellite with some default objects and resources
me@localhost ~/forge $ ./forger.py make init
  • Now let's enable and synchronise the repository-sets
me@localhost ~/forge $ ./forger.py make repo-sets -s
  • Let's generate container products and sync the container repositories
me@localhost ~/forge $ ./forger.py make container-repos -s
  • Time to generate the content-views
me@localhost ~/forge $ ./forger.py make content-views
  • We're almost done here, let's generate the activation-keys
me@localhost ~/forge $ ./forger.py make activation-keys
  • Finally, we can generate the container-image-prepare if required:
me@localhost ~/forge $ ./forger.py make container-prepare -r OSP16.1 -z z2 -u container_puller -p q1w2e3

Some help

The openstack-tools folder contains some tools to spin a VM on the coporate openstack deployment

The install has to be executed on the satellite host itself because it runs the package installation, satellite-installer and initial configuration. We also need python-3.8 on the satellite host for the installation process because of the way we run the subprocess.

yum install -y rh-python38-python.x86_64 rh-python38-python-libs.x86_64 rh-python38-python-pip.noarch rh-python38-python-psutil.x86_64 rh-python38-python-requests.noarch
scl enable rh-python38 "python3.8 -m virtualenv .python3"
source .python3/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

The file sat.cfg contains the configuration and should be pretty much self-explanatory.

There's also some scripted aliases to pull out and format interesting data like the sync and tasks status.

$ forger.py --help
Usage: forger.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -v, --verbose                Will print debug messages.
  -c, --config-file TEXT       Configuration file  [default: sat.cfg]
  -s, --satellite-server TEXT  Satellite server name to work on
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

  check    Performs various validations and verification
  install  Installs satellite on the local system
  make     Generates and creates various components

$ forger.py make --help
Usage: forger.py make [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Generates and creates various components

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  activation-keys    Creates the Activation Keys
  container-prepare  Generates the container-prepare template
  container-repos    Generates the products and repositories based on the...
  content-views      Generates the content-views based on the configuration
  init               Initializes the satellite server with some sync plans,...
  repo-sets          Enables the required repository-sets

$ forger.py check --help
Usage: forger.py check [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Performs various validations and verification

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  content-views  Searches the Content Views
  repos          Searches the repository-sets
  sync           Returns the sync status for all repos
  task           Task manipulation

More tricks

  • Some resources have additionnal options like make content-views and make activation-keys support passing some filters. It's then possible to generate or update the activation-keys for a whole OpenStack release, or even a Zrelease.
me@localhost $ ./forger.py make activation-keys --help
Usage: forger.py make activation-keys [OPTIONS]

  Creates the Activation Keys

  -z, --z-releases [GA|latest|z1|z2|z3|z4|z5|z6|z7|z8|z9|z10|z11|z12|z13|z14|z15|z16|z17|z18|z19]
                                  OpenStack Z Releases
  -r, --stack-releases [OSP10|OSP13|OSP16.1]
                                  OpenStack Releases
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
  • If something goes wrong, it's always possible to enable debug log with -v switch like this:
me@localhost $ ./forger.py -v make init
  • forge is idempotent, it will create or update.


  • Docstring everything
  • User creation process
  • Cleanup a bunch of things like logging.
  • Reformat multiline string with better indentation
  • More progressbars, less logging.
  • Log debug to file by default
  • loading manifest using nailgun