
A Helm chart to install Seatable

about this chart

This is a HELM chart that I put together based on my converting Seatable's docker setup to something Kubernetes understands.

If you were to substitute the variables yourself and run kubectl apply you would end up with the same setup.

Feel free to create an issue if you try this chart and it doesn't work for you.


So, what do you need to know about values.yaml?

I think most of it is self explanatory. With a couple exceptions:

Setting istio.enabled to true means that a certificate should be generated, provided you have configured a letsencrypt issuer. A gateway and a virtual service will also be created.

Replicas: I would leave this number untouched as I do not expect Seatable to be happy with more than one instance of any service.

If you remove storage.class, the default storage class should be used.