
Submit your app to https://nativescript.org/showcase

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Submit your app to https://nativescript.org/showcase

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Create a new file (and folder): apps/<appname>/<appname>.yaml
  3. Add your app logo to apps/<appname>/<appname>.webp
  4. Submit a pull request with your changes

Structure of each entry

name:          # Name of the app
description:   # short description of the app
  android:     # google play link
  ios:         # app store link
  repo:        # link to source code if publicly available
flavor:        # angular | vue | react | svelte | capacitor | javascript | typescript

A name, description and at least one link is required, the rest is optional.

If a flavor is specified, the framework logo will show up on the listing.

Specifying a repo does not show up on the site currently, however once we implement more filterin options, we'll start showing a link to the repo when available.

Tips on getting the .webp logo of the app

Drag/drop your app's logo from Google Play is the easiest as it will drop a properly sized .webp file in the folder.

If using an app icon from the Apple App Store, you can inspect the DOM to reveal the background image (also a .webp file) which can be saved in the folder.

Note: the drag & drop method only works on retina screens, on non-retina screens you can use Chrome Devtools responsive view to set the Device Pixel-Ratio (DPR) to 2.0 or above and refresh the page. Now the icon should be a .webp image you can drag and drop into the apps/<appname>/ folder, then manually rename it to <appname>.webp.