
Library to easily interface with Vallen Systeme WaveLine™ devices

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


CI Documentation Status Coverage Status License: MIT PyPI PyPI - Python Version Ruff

Documentation · Examples

Python library to easily interface with Vallen Systeme WaveLine™ devices using the public APIs:

  • linWave (prior names: conditionWave, FyrSonic)
  • spotWave

Getting started

Install the latest version from PyPI:

$ pip install waveline

Note: waveline requires Python 3.7 or newer. On Linux systems, pip is usually mapped to Python 2, so use pip<version> (e.g. pip3 or pip3.12) instead. Alternatively, you can run pip from your specific Python version with python<version> -m pip.

Run examples:

$ python examples/linwave_ae.py  # if you have a linWave device
$ python examples/spotwave_ae.py  # if you have a spotWave device

Explore further examples and have a look at the documentation.


Feature requests, bug reports and fixes are always welcome!

Development setup

After cloning the repository, you can easily install the development environment and tools (pylint, mypy, pytest, tox) with. Using a virtual environment is strongly recommended.

$ git clone https://github.com/vallen-systems/waveline.git
$ cd waveline

# Create virtual environment in directory .venv
$ python -m venv .venv
# Activate virtual environment
$ source .venv/bin/activate  # Linux
$ .venv\Scripts\activate  # Windows

# Install package (editable) and all development tools
$ pip install -e .[dev]

# Run formatter
$ ruff format .

# Run linter
$ ruff check .

# Run the test suite in the current environment
$ pytest

# Run the CI pipeline (checks and tests) for all targeted (and installed) Python versions with tox
$ tox

# Build the documentation
$ cd docs
$ make html  # Linux
$ .\make.bat html  # Windows

Run system tests

System level tests are only available, if the targeted device can be discovered.

Run system tests with a spotWave device:

$ pytest tests/system/spotwave --duration-acq 1

Measurement durations for long-term acquisition tests can be specified with the --duration-acq parameter (default: 1 second).

Run system tests with a linWave device (a specific IP can be provided with the --linwave-ip argument, otherwise the first discovered device will be used):

$ pytest tests/system/linwave --duration-acq 1 --linwave-ip