Feedr Technical Challenge Submission

Notes - frontend

  • I opted to use a context based approach opposed to prop drilling.
  • I did not use any other packages - I thought about using axios to make the call to the back-end but decided against it for simplicity. Although I'm not happy about making another call to the backend in ItemSearch.jsx.
  • The dietary count in MenuSummary.jsx is probably more complicated that it needs to be, and if it's functionality needed to be changed I'd be tempted to re-factor it completely.
  • I had anticipated to create a single test for each component to ensure they would render but ran into problems getting them work pass, I think due to using context. I didn't want to spend much longer trying to solve it (c. 2 hours to finish, c. one hour on tests).
  • I think there's a better way to handle the issue of the server port already being allocated, I imagine using environment variables in a real-world scenario would make sense. In the meantime, it's a hard-coded value.

Notes - backend

  • I used a route parameter rather than a query parameter to handle the search.
  • There's a try/catch block to check the request but it'll only console.log the error, ideally this would be thrown back to the client side in a nicer manner.

Install dependencies

yarn (or npm install)

Start development server

yarn dev (or npm run dev)


If port 3000 is already allocated, change the port variable in src/client/config/api.js to match the correct port.