
My macOS dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

Dotfiles macOS

These are my dotfiles for my macOS system using git bare repo

Getting started



The installation differs a bit from just normally cloning the repo and using it as the files belong in vastly different locations and not in a single folder, that is the reason I use a git bare repository for my dotfiles.

The installation is as follows:

# this is only needed temporarily, the ZSH config includes this line as well, no need to manually add this somewhere.
alias dots="/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg --work-tree=$HOME"
git clone --bare --recurse-submodules https://github.com/vallezw/dotfiles-macos $HOME/.cfg
# this avoids having git status polluted with random files
dots config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
  • Now you can import the palenight and github light theme into iterm2

Color themes

Light Mode: GitHub Light Theme

Dark Mode: Palenight Theme