
Problem for generating coverage plots

Gregjlt opened this issue · 1 comments

With 11 clusters, this error sometimes appears when generating coverage plots :

Warning in rbind(deparse.level, ...) :
  number of columns of result, 5, is not a multiple of vector length 3 of arg 2
Warning: Error in <Anonymous>: error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'width': 
  199: <Anonymous>
  198: stop
  197: stopWithCondition
  196: reactiveStop
  195: fun_
  194: dotloop
  193: req
  189: <reactive:coverages> [/home/pprompsy/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.1/ChromSCape/server.R#2388]
  187: .func
  184: contextFunc
  183: env$runWith
  176: ctx$run
  175: self$.updateValue
  173: coverages
  169: renderPlot [/home/pprompsy/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.1/ChromSCape/server.R#2449]
  167: func
  127: drawPlot
  113: <reactive:plotObj>
   97: drawReactive
   84: renderFunc
   83: output$coverage_region_plot
    2: shiny::runApp
    1: launchApp

Produced a different error when having 12 clusters on another dataset after generating the 12 bigwig files and plotting the default region "chr10:1.5e+07-1.6e+07":

in red in the browser : "Viewport has zero dimension(s)" and

Warning: Error in grid.Call: Viewport has zero dimension(s)
  175: recordGraphics
  174: grid.draw.gTree
  172: gridExtra::grid.arrange
  170: plot_coverage_BigWig [/media/pprompsy/Depic_bioinfo_1/InstitutCurie/Documents/GitLab/ChromSCape/R/plotting_functions.R#961]
  169: renderPlot [/media/pprompsy/Depic_bioinfo_1/InstitutCurie/Documents/GitLab/ChromSCape/inst/server.R#2449]
  167: func
  127: drawPlot
  113: <reactive:plotObj>
   97: drawReactive
   84: renderFunc
   83: output$coverage_region_plot
    2: shiny::runApp
    1: launchApp [/media/pprompsy/Depic_bioinfo_1/InstitutCurie/Documents/GitLab/ChromSCape/R/runApp.R#22]