
HarvardX - edX - Capstome Project - Movielens

Primary LanguageR

This file and other files in this repository are the output of the 1st part of the Capstone project under HarvardX Data Science Professional Certificate program.            

This repository contains the following files             

1.  README.txt:     

    This file explaining other files in        this repository       

2.  Capstone_Project_Report_Movielens_VSrinivas.Rmd:         

    Report of the project in R Markdown        (Rmd) format containing introduction,      data analysis, approach, methodology to     build the models, final model, results     & analysis and conclusion.
3.  Capstone_Project_Report_Movielens_VSrinivas.pdf:   

    Report of the project in pdf format        containing introduction, data analysis,     approach, methodology to build the         models, final model, results & analysis     and conclusion.        

4.  Movielens_Capstone_Project.Rproj:     

    R Project file creating the project in     RStudio     

5.  Capstone_Project_Code_Movielens_VSrinivas.R:   

    R Script file to generate the necessary     code for set-up, dataset creation,         analysis, model building and output of     results.     

6.  ml-10m.zip:

    Dataset used for the project.