
RESTful API with: SPRING Boot, SPRING DATA JPA, SPRING MySQL Driver, Apache-CXF for REST, Hibernate, SWAGGER integration, Jackson-provider, MapStruct for mapping entities. Testing with Junit 5 / Mockito. Docker. Frontend in REACT here https://github.com/valnurray/restfulFrontend

Primary LanguageJava


RESTful API with: • SPRING Boot, • SPRING DATA JPA, • SPRING MySQL Driver, • Apache-CXF for REST, • MySQL • Hibernate, • SWAGGER integration, • Jackson-provider, • MapStruct for mapping entities. • Testing with Junit 5 / Mockito. • Docker

docker-compose up --build or docker-compose up --build -d

stop: docker stop $(docker ps -aq)

SWAGGER: http://localhost:8080/api-docs?url=/swagger.json