
An example how to use docker and docker-compose to run and develop apps built with microservices

Source code grader

This is an example app built with microservices that can be run with docker-compose.

The app consists of the following components:

  • Frontend built with sinatra, which allows submitting source codes
  • A PostgreSQL database used by the frontend for storing data
  • A Grader microservice which grades the sources codes and returns a score for each of them
  • A RabbitMQ server used for communication between the frontend and the grader
  • Background processes
    • One in the grader service, which reads source codes from RabbitMQ and submits its score back in the RabbitMQ
    • One in the frontend service, which reads the scores of the source codes and stores them in the PostgreSQL database

The app is fairly simple, but in order to run it you need one database server, one rabbitmq server, one app server for the sinatra app and two background processes. With docker-compose all this can be run with a single command:

$ docker-compose up

Read more on my blog: https://www.valentinmihov.com/2015/11/15/microservices-dev-environment-with-docker/