
This repository contains a Web application that illustrates how to work with simple todos via Rest API.

The demo example is here


  1. Create a Todo
  2. Set a Todo as completed
  3. Change Todo's priority
  4. Delete a Todo
  5. Get all Todos' data

Install and run locally.

  1. git clone git@github.com:VS-work/go-todo-client.git
  2. cd go-todo-client
  3. npm install
  4. npm start

Important notes

  • If you want to use the application locally please, run API server before. See Important notes regarding install, Build, and Run locally.
  • In this case API will be available on http://localhost:3001
  • Also, see this setting

How it uses API

  1. Create a Todo: POST method for https://dry-woodland-14649.herokuapp.com/todo. Body field is: content as a string.
  2. Change Todo's priority or Set a Todo as completed: PUT method for https://dry-woodland-14649.herokuapp.com/todo/todo_id

In case of Change Todo's priority expected body field is priority as integer where 0 is Normal priority, 1 is Low, 2 is High.

In case of Set a Todo as completed expected body field is completed where 0 is Not completed, 1 is completed 3. Delete a Todo: DELETE method for https://dry-woodland-14649.herokuapp.com/todo/todo_id 4. Get all Todos' data: GET method for https://dry-woodland-14649.herokuapp.com/todos


We use github as a hosting. So, the following command will deploy the application:

npm run deploy

Demo example will be available on https://vs-work.github.io/go-todo-client/ after that and it will use https://dry-woodland-14649.herokuapp.com as API. More info here.