
An isomorphic (universal) web app starter project. This project is designed with developer productivity and happiness in mind

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An isomorphic (universal) web app starter project. This project is designed with developer fun, productivity and happiness in mind. This is because it uses Viewmodel for declarative components and state management. Viewmodel is easy-to-use and powerful, and fallback on React if needed. This starter has SSR, isomorphic routing built-in, and will render the initial component's states directly in both client and server (first server-rendering, then client rehydration). It is also highly extendable using Meteor's capabilities. It doesn't rely on many dependancies but can already do a lot.

Technology used

If you need to change the stack or add dependencies

  1. Meteor for isomorphic database reactivity, isomorphic builds, SSR, exact code splitting, reactive data, user accounts, security...
  2. Viewmodel For components,internal state management,client validation, bindings between state and view...
  3. React For the underlying layer of Viewmodel. It can be changed to Inferno according to Viewmodel, and this would imply some changes in this starter.
  4. Universal router and History to provide an easy-to-use, isomorphic router.
  5. Test suite for Viewmodel and React: enzyme, jest... See Viewmodel documentation for testing
  6. Debugging tool for Viewmodel: viewmodel-react-explorer component is included in the < App / > component, and let you play with the states of components


  1. Install Meteor
  2. In the command line, type: git clone https://github.com/antoninadert/proto-starter.git . Your folder must now be created
  3. Go in this folder from the command line: cd proto-starter
  4. meteor update (if needed)
  5. meteor npm install (if needed)
  6. meteor npm update --save (if needed)

PROTIP: If Meteor's builder gets stuck in the process, you can try to press Ctrl+C to abort some (sometime invisible) tasks and resume installation. Pressing Ctrl+C twice will abort the run. If you do that, type meteor again or just press up arrow.



Then open your localhost: http://localhost:3000/

Folder structure

The full architecture follows Meteor's file and folder structure

/imports This folder contains code that must be imported to be used (meteor convention). Mainly used to put your Component that will be imported later by server and client (isomorphic). Remember to import your components in /both/routes.js in order to use them. Routes are the nevralgic point of this App. Every component, that stores its own data, must be defined in the Routes to exist in the app.

/both This folder contains isomorphic code, used by your app and server (this is a meteor convention). Useful for putting Routes that will themselves import components.

/client This folder contains client (browser) code, used for routing and initializing the project (browser-side).

/server This folder contains server code, used for routing and initializing the project (server-side)

Then open your localhost: http://localhost:3000/



Technology that you won't need to use

  1. RxJS as this is handled by Viewmodel
  2. Redux as this is also handled by Viewmodel
  3. React-helmet as this is easy to generate this yourself using server-render package from Meteor (See sink.appendToHead() method used in /server/router.js )
  4. React router as universal router is more concise and simpler


  1. The first time you use the project, Meteor can take a while (15 min?) to initiate. This should only happen if Meteor is changing versions (Current version: 1.5.1), or downloading the full npm install from scratch with 3g connection and fucking antivirus.

Ready to Plug

You can add any library to the routing and state management quite easily. You can plug any CSS and JS into each UI component that will be in a Route

Related projects

I did a starter with semantic-ui here in case you want to try a direct approach for building your components.

Help me to keep this project going

  • Create default animations for page transition, declared in the Routes file directly. with exposed CSS for modification.
  • Create a Basic set of default UI components, reactive and easy to plug (Modal/Screen, Guided Flows, Fuse Search, Data-Request, WISYWIG Text Editor, Tag generator & Retriever.)
  • Add user account and a full UI component to have a dedicated reactive login flow.

Useful resources to get started

  1. Meteor basic tutorial
  2. To understand more on VM
  3. To understand how async/await and promises work in Meteor
  4. To validate the data that goes from client to server, we should get a backend validation with alddeed:simple schema
  5. When removing the insecure package from Meteor, it would be important to know more about meteor publish/subscribe and meteor methods (according to pub/sub mechanism)
  6. Use Bundle Visualizer to check your dependencies and how they load with exact code splitting


Apache 2.0 Licence (see LICENCE file)

Copyright © Antonin Adert 2017 All Rights Reserved.