This is a repository of example shell scripts for running general Landsat processing.
Numbered scripts correspond to the most basic processing steps (list, download, unzip, remove l1G and stack).
All other scripts are grouped by general purpose (clear, fix, stack, transform).
Use this script to create a list of images for an ESPA order Script is used after downloading a full list of LT 4/5 and LE 7 comma-separated files from Earth Explorer. File naming convention: LSR_LANDSAT_ETM_COMBINED_pXXXrXXX.txt; LSR_LANDSAT_TM_pXXXrXXX.txt
Usage: [image directory] [WRS string]
Example of files:
Earth Explorer File 1: LSR_LANDSAT_ETM_COMBINED_p013r031.txt
Earth Explorer File 2: LSR_LANDSAT_TM_p013r031.txt
Command line:
~/Documents/landsat_process/ ./p012r031/images/ "p012r031"
This script downloads single or all orders from ESPA; eliminates need to use DownloadThemAll
Usage: [email] [order ID] [dir]
~/Documents/landsat_process/ ./images/
This script extracts each downaloded .tar.gz to its own directory.
Image directory will contain single-band images (raw and sr) and QA bands
This script removes all L1G images prior to stacking. Only L1T images will be stacked and used in time series analysis
This script create stacks of original bands plus Fmask result and organizes image directories
Band order: 1-5, 7, 6, fmask [8 band stack]
Applies Tassled Cap tranformation for Landsat reflectance factor data (Crist 1985) using /ceholden/misc/spectral/
Generates new 3-band "L*_BGW.tif" stack
Band order: Brightness, Greenness, Wetness
Applies a variety of index tranformations using /ceholden/misc/spectral/
Options: NDVI, NBR, NDMI, EVI.
Generates new "L*_index.tif" stack
Create stack of original bands, TC, and fmask result
Band order: 1-5,7 6, B, G, W, fmask [11 band stack]
Moves images where percentage of image covered by clouds and cloud shadows is greater than a set threshold to ./images/cloudy/
For file clean up after stacking (typically used after 4_stack_TIFF)
Removes original bands 'L*B[1-8]*.TIF'
, surface reflectance products 'L*sr*.tif'
, brightness temperature 'L*toa*.tif'
, and fmask results 'L*cfmask*'
Archive (.tar.gz
) is retained, can always unzip again to restore single band files.
Used to remove files from all L* directories
Usage: [dir] [text to match]
Remove _stack and _BGW images after creating 11-band stack
~/Documents/landsat_process/ ./p012r031/images/ "*_stack*"
~/Documents/landsat_process/ ./p012r031/images/ "*_BGW*"
Creates example_img
file for time series model configuration