
Receive Telegram notifications upon SSH logins to your server

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

SSH Login Telegram Notifier

This script sends a Telegram notification whenever someone logs into your server via SSH.


  • Bash
  • curl


  1. Create a Telegram bot: You can do this via BotFather.

  2. Create a Telegram channel: This can be private or public, depending on your preference. This is where the alerts will be sent.

  3. Get the bot updates: Create a URI in the following format:


    and invoke it.

  4. Add your bot to the channel: This will allow the bot to send messages to the channel.

  5. Get the channel ID: You can do this by visiting https://api.telegram.org/bot*****:***-*****************/getUpdates again. The channel ID will be listed there.

  6. Register at IPInfo: You can do this at ipinfo.io. This will give you an API token.

  7. Update the script: Fill in the variables in the script with your Telegram bot token, channel ID, and IPInfo token.

  8. Make the script executable: You can do this with the following command:

    chmod +x ssh_notifier.sh
  9. Test the script: Run the script and check that everything works correctly.

  10. Update the SSHD PAM configuration: Add the following line to the end of /etc/pam.d/sshd:

    session optional pam_exec.so type=open_session seteuid /full/path/to/ssh_notifier.sh

    This will run the script whenever someone logs into your server via SSH.

Now, try connecting to your server via SSH. You should receive a notification in your Telegram channel. Enjoy your new notification system!