
Simple API for compiling C to WASM

Primary LanguageC++

API that compiles C code to WASM

This repository contains proof of concept work for C to WASM compiler API. Server is built with Fastify, fast and low overhead framework for Node.js

Compiling itself is done with Clang and the binaries for darwin and linux comes bundled with the project.


If you want to try this project follow these steps:

  • Clone the repo: git clone git@github.com:valstu/c2wasm-api.git
  • Install all the necessary dependenceies by running yarn or yarn install you can use npm as well
  • After that you can start the server by running yarn dev

This should start server at port :9000, the actual compiling endpoint is this: http://localhost:9000/api/build

Endpoint only accepts HTTP POST.

You can send for example following payload to endpoint:

  "output": "wasm",
  "compress": true,
  "files": [
      "type": "c",
      "name": "file.c",
      "options": "-g -O3",
      "src": "#include <stdio.h>\n\nint main()\n{\n\n   printf(\"Hello World\");\n   return 0;\n}"

Payload itself is quite self-explanatory, but the code you want to compile is under files arrays src property, you can also add some options for the compiler itself. When you POST this payload to the endpoint you should get back following response:

  "success": true,
  "message": "Success",
  "output": "eJzUXQecVcXVv21uee/t7iv7...",
  "tasks": [
      "name": "building file.c",
      "file": "file.c",
      "console": "",
      "success": true,
      "output": "eJx1UU2LE..."
      "name": "linking wasm",
      "console": "",
      "success": true

Output contains compiled wasm file base64 encoded.

  • TODO: Add information about compression and base64
  • TODO: Add information about docker stuff

Push to Heroku

Install Heroku CLI

  • Login to Heroku: heroku login
  • Login to Heroku Containers: heroku container:login
  • Build and push the image to Heroku: heroku container:push web -a arcane-inlet-17120
  • Release new version: `` Run following commands