Join order benchmark queries for circuit learning

This package contains modified join order benchmark queries. The current version of Cinemagoer does not include the table movie_info_idx anymore which causes some of the queries to fail. This was a known bug. Since we are not using the queries for benchmarking but training a circuit learning model for quantum computing, we are removing the table movie_info_idx from the queries where it appears and fixing the queries into a format which should be close to the original queries. Note that the queries are NOT the same as in the original benchmark. Also, the IMDB data set has changed since the original join order benchmark has been developed.

Original readme file from Join order benchmark.


This package contains the Join Order Benchmark (JOB) queries from:
"How Good Are Query Optimizers, Really?"
by Viktor Leis, Andrey Gubichev, Atans Mirchev, Peter Boncz, Alfons Kemper, Thomas Neumann
PVLDB Volume 9, No. 3, 2015

IMDB Data Set

The CSV files used in the paper, which are from May 2013, can be found at

The license and links to the current version IMDB data set can be found at

Step-by-step instructions

  1. download *gz files (unpacking not necessary)
  1. download and unpack imdbpy and the script
  1. create PostgreSQL database (e.g., name imdbload):
createdb imdbload
  1. transform *gz files to relational schema (takes a while) -d PATH_TO_GZ_FILES -u postgres://username:password@hostname/imdbload

Now you should have a PostgreSQL database named imdbload with the imdb data. Note that this database has some secondary indexes (but not on all foreign key attributes). You can export all tables to CSV:

\copy aka_name to 'PATH/aka_name.csv' csv
\copy aka_title to 'PATH/aka_title.csv' csv
\copy cast_info to 'PATH/cast_info.csv' csv
\copy char_name to 'PATH/char_name.csv' csv
\copy comp_cast_type to 'PATH/comp_cast_type.csv' csv
\copy company_name to 'PATH/company_name.csv' csv
\copy company_type to 'PATH/company_type.csv' csv
\copy complete_cast to 'PATH/complete_cast.csv' csv
\copy info_type to 'PATH/info_type.csv' csv
\copy keyword to 'PATH/keyword.csv' csv
\copy kind_type to 'PATH/kind_type.csv' csv
\copy link_type to 'PATH/link_type.csv' csv
\copy movie_companies to 'PATH/movie_companies.csv' csv
\copy movie_info to 'PATH/movie_info.csv' csv
\copy movie_info_idx to 'PATH/movie_info_idx.csv' csv
\copy movie_keyword to 'PATH/movie_keyword.csv' csv
\copy movie_link to 'PATH/movie_link.csv' csv
\copy name to 'PATH/name.csv' csv
\copy person_info to 'PATH/person_info.csv' csv
\copy role_type to 'PATH/role_type.csv' csv
\copy title to 'PATH/title.csv' csv

To import the CSV files to another database, create all tables (see schema.sql and optionally fkindexes.sql) and run the same copy as above statements but replace the keyword "to" by "from".


Contact Viktor Leis ( if you have any questions.