
PHP Stream wrapper for WebSocket protocol

Primary LanguagePHP

WebSocket stream wrapper for PHP 8.1+

How to use

// All http & tls options work like usual
$context = stream_context_create([
  'http' => [...],
  'ssl' => [...],

$socket = fopen('wss://ws.postman-echo.com/raw', 'r+', context: $context);

// Non-blocking mode also supported!
// stream_set_blocking($socket, false);

fwrite($socket, 'Hello world');
echo "Received: ", fread($socket, 128), PHP_EOL;


How it works internally

Turns out even though you can't open http stream wrapper in write mode, you can still write into the socket. So here we use http/tls wrappers for handshake and after that just continue operating on the socket that's left open. See WebsocketStreamWrapper.php for more.


All contributions are welcome.