
super simple static site generator

Primary LanguageJavaScript


oddweb—super simple static site generator

Oddweb is a small program written in JavaScript that takes a bunch of files and generates a static website for you. It is similar to Jekyll and others.

It was written for the JSHint website. Before that, JSHint was using Jekyll but I got tired of dealing with Ruby gems on all my computers. Oddweb works perfectly well when installed as a local NPM module.


Oddweb currently supports only plain HTML, Handlebars templates and Markdown files. But it's super easy to write plugins for it so there's that.

How to

Here I'll show how I use oddweb for my personal website. You can find full source code here: antonkovalyov/home.

First of all, my website has a package.json file to manage dependencies and all that:

  "name": "anton.kovalyov.net",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "description": "No Admittance",
  "main": "index.js",

  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "start": "oddweb dev .",
    "build": "oddweb build ."

  "dependencies": {
    "oddweb": "~0.0.2"

  "oddwebPlugins": [

  "author": "Anton Kovalyov <anton@kovalyov.net>",
  "license": "BSD"

Note that oddweb is a normal dependency there. Also not that I use scripts to add shortcuts for oddweb's commands (dev starts a local server, build generates a production site).

There are three directories: res that contains files that has to be copied as is (i.e. images), templates to hold Handlebars templates and pages for your actual content. When I run npm start oddweb starts a local server where I can try out my website. When I run npm run-script build oddweb generates a static file into the site directory.

My website is a blog so I use a built-in plugin called core/blog. This plugin expects all posts to be in the pages/blog subdirectory.

You can add meta-info to each file by prepending it with a JSON structure. See this file for example.

Plugins that don't start with core/ are loaded from your site's directory. A plugin is simply a function that takes two parameters—a site structure and handlebars instance—and returns a modified site structure.

// myplugin.js: this plugin replaces word 'cloud' with 'cat' on all pages.

module.exports = function (site, handlebars) {
  site.pages = site.pages.map(function (page) {
    page.data = page.data.replace(/cloud/g, "cat")
    return page
  return site

For more examples check out core plugins in this repo and minify.js, options.js, version.js in the jshint.com repo.

That's it. Bye.