
get active file full path or web browser's url or file explorer's current directory

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey


Function get active file full path or web browser's url or file explorer's current directory

Support List

  • Office
    • Word: get by COM
    • Excel: get by COM
    • PowerPoint: get by COM
  • PDF Reader
    • Adobe Reader: get by winmgmts
    • Foxit Reader: get by Everything.dll or get the open file list and match title with file name.
  • Text Editor
    • Notepad: get by winmgmts
    • Visual Studio Code: get from window title, full path should be set on windwow title.
  • File Manager
    • Windows Explorer: Looping window, and match Hwnd
  • Web Brower
    • Mordern: Chrome
    • Legacy: IE, Opera