
A Kodi client for LG Smart TVs with webOS - experimental!!

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A Kodi client for LG Smart TVs with webOS - experimental!!

Donations to continue...


inspirations, tools, and more...

websocket-as-promised https://github.com/vitalets/websocket-as-promised

Kodi Web Interface Arnold https://github.com/scholtzm/arnold

React-TV https://github.com/raphamorim/react-tv

Developing for TVs with React-TV https://medium.com/@raphamorim/developing-for-tvs-with-react-tv-b5b5204964ef

React Key Navigation https://github.com/dead/react-key-navigation/

Pass the Remote: User Input on TV Devices https://medium.com/netflix-techblog/pass-the-remote-user-input-on-tv-devices-923f6920c9a8

How to implement Netflix slider with React and hooks https://levelup.gitconnected.com/how-to-implement-netflix-slider-with-react-and-hooks-bdb9b99d1ce4?gi=521ebd0d4dee

First of all - configure!

Open src/config/index.js and edit.

Set the host and ports from your local Kodi installation

we use websockets (websocket-as-promised) to get all data, instead of "http request/get" due to CORS restrictions

See JSON-RPC-API https://kodi.wiki/view/JSON-RPC_API

if you want to emulate a local server, for testing:

$ cd /server

$ yarn install

$ node server.js

by default the server will listen on localhost and port 9090. Edit if necessary.


  1. The server will always respond with the same reply as long as the message sent contains at least one "id" and one method called "VideoLibrary.GetMovies" or "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows".


send >> {"id":"CPTsgg5pv","jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"VideoLibrary.GetMovies","params":{"limits":{"start":0,"end":5},"properties":["art","genre","director","trailer","tagline","plot","plotoutline","title","originaltitle","lastplayed","runtime","year","playcount","rating","thumbnail","file"],"sort":{"method":"sorttitle","ignorearticle":true}}}

receive >> {"id":"CPTsgg5pv","jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"limits":{"end":10,"start":0,"total":1131},"movies":[ {"art":{"fanart":"image:....jpg/","poster":"image://....jpg/"},"file":"smb://....mp4","label":"3 Nights in the Desert","movieid":"OTU9VdxnT","playcount":0,"rating":4.3000001907348632812,"thumbnail":"image://....jpg/"}, {"art":{"fanart":"image://....jpg/","poster":"image://....jpg/"},"file":"smb://....mkv","label":"6 Dias","movieid":"6sB6Ff1MIG","playcount":0,"rating":6.0999999046325683594,"thumbnail":"image://....jpg/"}, ....}]}}

  1. The websocket implementation will ensure that the reply message has the same "id" as the sent message, otherwise it will be discarded.

  2. In the configuration file, change the "is_static" variable to "true" to resolve all external image urls to a static image.

Install and run...

$ git clone

$ cd kodi2webos

$ yarn install

$ yarn run

To run on an emulator or smart tv, see: http://webostv.developer.lge.com/sdk/installation/# Follow the steps in the article: https://medium.com/@raphamorim/developing-for-tvs-with-react-tv-b5b5204964ef


develop something that looks like this:

alt text


  • websocket send/request communication
    • list movies/tvshows
    • works in browser
    • works in webos
  • Design interface
    • Sections: Movies | TV Shows | Settings
    • Horizontal List - Categories (Recently added, in progress, genres...)
    • Vertical List
    • Movies | TV Shows details
    • Background image
    • Create a Video Player
  • Test key navigation
  • Publish to LG Store
  • Documentation