Wallet HUB - Java and MySQL Test

The goal of this project is provide a complete solution for the proposed assignment for the Senior Backend Engineer for WalletHub.


General explanation

A spring-boot application was built to solve the problem. Using spring-data to access the mysql database to manipulate two entities responsibles to handle all the data requirements:

  • BlockedIp - Entity that stores the blocked ips
  • HttpAccess - Entity that stores all the log entries provided via access.log file

Project structure:

The application classes structure is summarized by the following package division:

  • model - Stores all entities and related classes, such Duration enumeration and InputPArametersDto to deliver all the input parameters to the services;
  • repository - Stores the repositories for the two JPA entities;
  • runner - Has only the CommandLineRunner class responsible to handle all the parameters passed via CommandLine
  • service - Has the services responsible to parsing the access log files, implement validation rules and the business logic to find the correct ips and block them.


The application is built to be executed with the following command:

java -jar ./dist/parser.jar --accesslog=./access.log 
    --startDate=2017-01-01.15:00:00 --duration=hourly --threshold=200

It's not needed to pass the main class to be executed as spring maven plugin sets this on jar manifest file.

There are a few attributes configured under application.properties that can be customized via environment variables:

Environment Variable Name Defaul Value
DB_HOST localhost
DB_PORT 3306
DB_NAME http_access

Database creation

If we set an user with enought grant on the database the application should be able to create the database if it does not exists.


To build the application from scratch run the following command under the parser folder:

mvn package

This command will build the code, run the unit tests and package the application into a file under dist folder called parser.jar.