
Tiny Tiny RSS feed reader as a Docker image.

Primary LanguageShell


This Dockerfile installs Tiny Tiny RSS (TT-RSS) with the following features:

  • New: Integrated Feedly-ish theme for supporting latest TT-RSS versions
  • New: When starting the container, the default theme will be (re-)applied. This should help when a theme breaks (again)
  • Based on Docker-Alpine and s6 as the supervisor
  • Using PHP 7
  • Small and lightweight image size (< 100 MB)
  • Rolling release support: Updates TT-RSS automatically every day
  • Works nicely with jwilder's nginx-proxy, e.g. to use for Let's Encrypt SSL certificates
  • Integrated Feedly theme
  • Integrated FeedIron plugin to get modify feeds
  • Integrated Mobilize plugin for using Readability, Instapaper + Google Mobilizer
  • Optional: Self-signed 4096-bit RSA TLS certificate for accessing TT-RSS via https
  • Originally was based on clue/docker-ttrss

A ready-to-use Docker image is available at Docker Hub

Feel free to tweak this further to your likings.

This docker image allows you to run the Tiny Tiny RSS feed reader. Keep your feed history to yourself and access your RSS and atom feeds from everywhere. You can access it through an easy to use webinterface on your desktop, your mobile browser or using one of available apps.

Note: All commands must be executed as root!


This section assumes you want to get started quickly, the following sections explain the steps in more detail. So let's start.

Just start up a new database container:

# DB=$(docker run -d nornagon/postgres)

Next, run the actual TT-RSS instance by doing a:

# docker run -d --link $DB:db -e TTRSS_PORT=8080 --name ttrss x86dev/docker-ttrss

Running this command for the first time will download the image automatically.

Accessing your Tiny Tiny RSS (TT-RSS)

The above example exposes the TT-RSS web interface on port 8080 (http / unencrypted), so that you can browse to:


The default login credentials are:

Username: admin
Password: password

Obviously, you're recommended to change those ASAP. See the next section about how to enable encryption support (via SSL/TLS).

Use self-signed certificates (SSL/TLS)

For enabling SSL/TLS support with a self-signed certificate you have to add -e TTRSS_WITH_SELFSIGNED_CERT=1 -p 443:4443 when running your TT-RSS container. Then you can access TT-RSS via: https://<yourhost>.

Warning: Running services unencrypted on the Internet is not recommended!

The container also has been successfully tested with Let's Encrypt certificates.

Reverse proxy support

A nice thing to have is jwilder's nginx-proxy as a separate Docker container running on the same machine as this one.

That way you easily can integrate your TT-RSS instance with an existing domain by using a sub domain (e.g. https://ttrss.yourdomain.tld).

Enabling SSL/TLS encryption support

In combination with an official Let's Encrypt certificate you can get a nice A+ encryption/security rating over at SSLLabs.

Installation walkthrough


Following Docker's best practices, this container does not contain its own database, but instead expects you to supply a running database instance. While slightly more complicated at first, this gives your more freedom as to which database instance and configuration you're relying on. Also, this makes this container quite disposable, as it doesn't store any sensitive information at all.

Starting a database instance

This container requires a PostgreSQL database instance. You're free to pick (or build) any, as long as is exposes its database port (5432) to the outside.


# docker run -d --name=ttrss-data nornagon/postgres

Testing TT-RSS in foreground

For testing purposes it's recommended to initially start this container in foreground. This is particular useful for your initial database setup, as errors get reported to the console and further execution will halt.

# docker run -it -e TTRSS_PORT=8080 --link ttrss-data:db --name ttrss x86dev/docker-ttrss

Database configuration

Whenever your run TT-RSS, it will check your database setup. It assumes the following default configuration, which can be changed by passing the following additional arguments:

-e DB_NAME=ttrss
-e DB_USER=ttrss
-e DB_PASS=ttrss

By default, a PostgreSQL database is needed.

Use a MySQL database

Specify the following to use an existing MySQL database instead of a PostgreSQL one:

-e DB_TYPE=mysql

Database user

When you run TT-RSS it will check your database setup. If it can not connect using the above configuration, it will automatically try to create a new database and user.

For this to work, it will need a superuser (root) account that is permitted to create a new database and user. It assumes the following default configuration, which can be changed by passing the following additional arguments:

-e DB_ENV_USER=docker
-e DB_ENV_PASS=docker

Running TT-RSS daemonized

Once you've confirmed everything works in the foreground, you can start your container in the background by replacing the -it argument with -d (daemonize). Remaining arguments can be passed just like before, the following is the recommended minimum:

# docker run -d --link ttrss-data:db --name ttrss x86dev/docker-ttrss

Useful stuff to know

Single User mode

In case you are running behind a proxy that has basic auth and you do not wish to use ttrss auth, you can set the enviroment variable TTRSS_SINGLEUSER to true and it will change the setup to single user mode

Backing up / moving to another server

Decided to back up your data container and/or move to another server? Here's how you do it:

On the old server, stop your TT-RSS container and then do:

# docker export <container name> | gzip > /tmp/<filename>.tar.gz

On the new server, copy the created .tar.gz file from the old server and import the file with:

# docker import <filename>.tar.gz

This will import the container from the .tar.gz file into Docker's local registry. After that you can run that imported container again the usual way with:

# docker run -d <IMAGE ID>

Automatic updates

When running this docker container you don't need to worry anymore how and when to update TT-RSS. Since TT-RSS has a so-called "rolling release" model since some time (which essentially means that there won't be any specific versions like 1.0, 1.1 etc), this container takes the burden any checks for updates of TT-RSS and the accompanied plugins/themes every day via an own update script (see root/srv/update-ttrss.sh).

By default the update script checks every 24 hours if there are updates for TT-RSS, the plugins or the theme(s) available.

If you want to change the update interval you just need to edit the file root/etc/services.d/ttrss-updater/run and change the --wait-exit 24h to fit your needs, whereas the suffix h stands for hours, m for minutes and s for seconds.

Want to contribute?

You think you have something which absolutely must be part of this container, implemented a cool new feature or fixed some nasty bug? Let me know and send me a git pull request.

The repository can be found here.