Fast, powerful, yet easy to use template engine for Go. Optimized for speed, zero memory allocations in hot paths. Up to 20x faster than html/template
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Go template
#102 opened by intactPixel - 1
Disable HTML escaping
#57 opened by Ma124 - 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
Compile to wasm when template changes
#95 opened by gedw99 - 0
Should a template define at least one function?
#93 opened by skaurus - 1
- 0
Security: templates are vulnerable to XSS
#91 opened by empijei - 1
make it be a sql template
#65 opened by fxk2006 - 2
How better is quicktemplate than hero?
#36 opened by TuralAsgar - 0
hot reload template
#89 opened by formcms - 0
- 1
HTML Encoding happens even when equal signs are being used to turn off encoding
#87 opened by marcsantiago - 0
Multiple languages in templates
#86 opened by maberer - 4
Discussion about IDE integration
#80 opened by aight8 - 2
[Question] leading new line
#85 opened by pot-code - 1
Why Quicktemplate is NOT the faster?
#83 opened by frederikhors - 7
how to modify right and left delimiters
#37 opened by huyongde - 1
Feature request: Template Including
#33 opened by jmp0xf - 0
Allow Call Render Function in Objects
#82 opened by aight8 - 0
Use custom Localizer/Formatter
#81 opened by aight8 - 0
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- 3
Uint32 and Uint64 support?
#74 opened by Qubitium - 1
Function type which is called once at compile time
#75 opened by 0xqd - 7
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Different slash for different OS
#62 opened by frederikhors - 4
Hash in files name but not in development
#61 opened by frederikhors - 8
cat in func with parameters
#60 opened by frederikhors - 1
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New VS Code quicktemplate language definition
#38 opened by atomi - 3
it's time to tag new release, isnt it?
#55 opened by maxjust - 0
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Line numbers in panic are incorrect
#51 opened by danielparks - 2
cat without HTML-escaping?
#46 opened by winduptoy - 2
collapsespace strips space after quicktemplate tag
#39 opened by snabb - 1
[Question] Inject content after template render
#40 opened by nd2s - 1
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Include template
#42 opened by ArtavazdAvetisyan - 0
is there any multi inheritance support
#35 opened by ooghry - 1
it leaks memory
#34 opened by TuralAsgar - 0
#32 opened by TuralAsgar - 0
Accept uint64 values for %d
#30 opened by Kagami - 2
Injection of content by string
#29 opened by rodrigo-brito