
seq2seq models for decrypting the Enigma

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Seq2seq models for decoding the Enigma machine

The Enigma machine was designed by Germans during WWII so they could communicate via encrypted messages. Alan Turing and others were able to design a decoder to crack the encryption and intercept messages. Here, we've created two seq2seq models to decode the enigma machine: RNN with attention, and a transformer.

The RNN scored around 93% accuracy and the transformer around 98% on new data. If 80% of the characters in a sequence are successfully able to be decoded to its proper value, I mark it as correct since, if a human was reading it, they'd likely be able to unscramble the rest. One caveat is that inference is fairly slow. On a standard laptop, it takes about 3 minutes to run inference on 100 samples for the transformer and 1 minute for the RNN. Depending on the application, training smaller models should increase the inference speed with some trade-off for accuracy. These models were trained using Google Colab which is a great tool that gives you free access to a GPU.

Any feedback is welcome in the form of issues/PRs!